If you haven't already stumbled across Abby's blog A Feathered Nest, you are missing out! She makes some cute stuff over there, and her personality about it all is really amusing- I love it!
A couple days ago, I saw her tutorial for these darling monograms and decided to give it a shot! It was very simple, and it called for supplies I already had on hand, but unfortunately I am not loving the frame and matte I had, thus making my finished product less than exciting for me.
I saw Abby's, and loved it. I made mine and loved it... until I saw Abby's again! Her's is so much cuter- the colors, the fabric... its all so dang cute! Plus, I used scrapbook paper (what I had on hand!) and I am wanting to re-do this with planned items I buy specifically for this project- new frame, new matte, new fabric. Anyway, take it for whats its worth- its still a fun idea and super easy to do!Thanks Abby for sharing your tutorial!
Uh, I took a look at hers and your's is MUCH cuter! Maybe 'cause you used all my fav colors :) That's a great idea for Christmas gifts that my girls would love to make.