
Pregnancy Journal with Sisters Stuff!

I had a baby a few months ago and while I was pregnant I wanted a way to remember my pregnancy so I made this pregnancy journal. 
I loved filling it out as my pregnancy progressed and I know that I will enjoy looking back on what pregnancy was like for me. I also think my new baby {GIRL} will love knowing what pregnancy was like for her mother. I put the pages in 8X8 page covers and then used metal rings to bind it together. I tied ribbons onto the rings. Walmart is the cheapest place for the metal rings. I also tried to make the book as gender neutral as possible since at the time I didn't know what I was having. I made a few of these books as gifts as well.

Finding out your pregnant and 1st Trimester
2rd Trimester and place for ultrasound pictures. I made a pocket by using an X-acto knife
3rd Trimester and name ideas
Thoughts about being pregnant and wishes for your new baby's future
Weight gain chart :) and also spots to put pictures of yourself during your pregnancy
How the delivery went and pictures of your new baby
Back page

You can click on the pages to see them in more detail.

How cute is that?! I love Sister's Stuff!


  1. I love the blog swap! What a cool idea to share each other's blogs. Will you do more in the furture?

  2. So fun! I can't wait to go check them out. And hey, Look how many followers you have! GO YOU!! :)

  3. I'm your 131st follower! Yay for that!
