
Halloween Tye Dye with Crap I've Made

I knew I would love today's guest as soon as I saw the title of her blog! "Crap I've Made" is just FUN! Char is totally creative and her humor is equally as fantastic as her crafting abilities! She has a darling little project to share with us today, so lets get to it! Take it away Char!


So, I'm Char from Crap I've Made. I decided to repost something my kids and I did last year. I think I had like 5 readers back then, so it's probably new for most of you.

Halloween shirts to DYE for!
We saw these in Family Fun magazine, and decided to give them a try.
Macy's isn't actually done on account of the fact that when you're 8, each face requires about 3 hours of thought.

And then Bennett barfed all over his.

We used fabric markers to draw the faces. My super cool friend Sabra did freezer paper stencils and hers turned out awesome. Sabra also recommended I NOT use Rit dye. I took her advice and used Dylon and I won't go back.

Thanks, Stephanie, for letting me swap with you!

I want to make those right now! How cute!

And for the record, my mom's name is Char, my nieces name is Macy and Bennett is the name I was fighting for to name my youngest son! As you can see, my husband won that battle and his name is Ryan- but my next son will be Bennett!!! Mark my words!


  1. Thank you, i love your Fridays, that way I get to know MORE creative people in blogville!

  2. So cute!! Thanks for swapping blogs, you've got some great ideas!

  3. That is so cute! I'm not the best at tye-dying...I'm not sure why so i'm sorry if this question sounds silly. The white circles are from rubberbands, correct? I've done a shirt before for 4th of july, however it now looks purple. I really think this would be a cute project for my kids in my afterschool class...maybe I should google "how to tye-dye"!

  4. Kerianne-
    check out this post I did over the summer:


  5. Love her blog! I've made the roasted potatoes and bacon/cheddar bread from there...Delicious!

  6. The white circles are indeed from the rubber bands. The Dylon dye didn't require any sort of cooking.

    Here are the ones my friend Sabra did: http://sabramadethis.blogspot.com/2008/10/tie-dye-halloween.html

    Look how dang cute those faces turned out!

    She used Rit (against her own advice) and hers came out much lighter than mine. I don't know if she did them on the stove or not.

  7. Love this idea! I am marking it now. It will be too fun to do and maybe I will hog all the fun to myself and NOT let the kids help me. :)

  8. I finally finished our shirts. They turned out pretty cute, not as cute as your friends! I had to use rit dye because I couldn't find anything else :o( And my fabric marker was so hard to work with, it didn't cover well. But for the non perfectionist they are just fine. They turned out pretty cute.

    Here is my link

    thanks again! And Char I love your blog, it's on my list too :o)
