
Charming Home- October's Challenge

I know I am not the only one who had a blast gettin' creative for the entire month of September! That was my favorite challenge to date! Its going to be hard topping that one, but lets try anyway!

October's Challenge

(drum roll please)

Let's call this one  


This challenge is for everyone who lives "somewhere". A mansion on the beach, a cozy cottage in the mountains, a studio apartment in the city, the basement of your in laws home- ANYWHERE. We all live somewhere and we can all improve our living conditions and make it a bit more charming!

Here is how it works:
Every Sunday I will post the designated room or "Zone" that we will focus on together. Sometime during the week you have to do 3 things, the Triple D's, which are:

Deep Clean, De Clutter, Decorate! 

Do all 3 in one day if you're feeling ambitious, or spread it out over the course of the week. Each of the triple D's will be explained in greater detail with examples and ideas for each zone each week.

How to join:
Add your site to our link list directing all of us to your charming room makeover. Come back and update your link every time you have a zone you want to show off!

I have also created this little guy:

Say "Hello" to our very own CHALLENGE BUTTON. If you feel so inclined, post him on your site to let others know you are participating in this challenge. The more people who join, the more inspired we can become!

Our first zone will be announced this Sunday, October 4th. Get ready...


  1. i've never done a challenge like that...but i like the theme since i am "deep cleaning" our clothes right now (out with the summer styles, the stained, the stretched out, in with the new!)

  2. I am excited to see what you have in store for us. A little scared to considering I am NOT in the cleaning mood at the moment! LOL!

  3. I'm definitely in for the first two D's, but we'll have to see about the third, unless I can find a way to decorate 100% free (and believe me, I've all but exhausted my options for that)!

  4. Clever idea. I'll definitely be trying it.

  5. I'm in. Scared to death, but I'm in.

    I accidentally put my link up in September's Mr. Linky thingy. You can take me off since I didn't do anything for Sept, and people will follow the link and be, like, "What? Huh?" I would delete it but I don't know how/if I can.

    Looking forward to a Charming October!

  6. How fun! I know I did horrible at the Sept. Challenge, but I've been super busy...I WILL do all of Septembers challenges, just not when my house is flooding :) I'm excited about this Challenge. It will be interesting to see how we can do it here! I look forward to the Challenge!

  7. this interests me....if I need motivation anywhere...it's HERE!

  8. This is perfect motivation to get ready for the holidays! I'm in.

  9. Om my God, you are going to make me clean!

  10. Ok, I'm in. This is what I need to get myself busy. Thanks for the inspiration and the challenge. Can't wait for Sunday.

  11. Oh man, I need this so I'll be trying it out. We'll see how it works for me!

    By the way...I LOVE your monthly challenges!

  12. I'm in, and like SarahAnne scared!! LOL. No more excuses!! Really hoping this will be the year to get Christmas gifts done early.
