
A Week of Links ReCap!

I have enjoyed visiting every single link from every single day of this awesome link party.

First off, the WREATHS!!! Am I just in some kind of weird wreath-loving phase or is there a plethora of super fantastic wreaths out there this season?! Here are a couple favs:

Berries & Mistletoe @ The Collins Home

Acorn Wreath @ Someday Crafts

And how about all the cute homemade trees and ornaments?

 Handprint Ornaments (fantastic keepsake!) @ Wholesome Womanhood

Ornament Tree @ Red Heads Crafts

 Tree made from Stars @ That's So Cuegly

Cards & Gifts and Gift Wrapping:

Up cycled Can Wrapping (love the corset look!) @ Katie's Nesting Spot

Santa Card/ Invitation @ At Second Street

And Santa might fill your stockings with even more goodies if your stockings looked like these:

Made from Coffee Bean Bags @ The Little Green Bean

This is a cute way to thank Santa for stuffing your cute stockings:

Thank You Santa Plate @ How Does She

And my craft list could go on forever, but for the sake of my kids and not having their mom on the computer all day- here are my 2 favorites:

Photo Holder Block (+9 other block ideas) @ How Does She

Christmas Countdown Blocks made by my blogging friend Emily @ Not So Idle Hands

Special thanks to ALL OF YOU for coming out to Strut Your Stuff! I will see you next Thursday for another online link party!

(For those I have featured, please feel free to grab my button!)


  1. Cute, cute stuff! Thanks for sharing all these amazing ideas.

  2. I love them all! I've been having to keep my craftiness in check this season because we just don't have room! One day, though. :)
    Can you tell me the name of the font you use for your blog titles? Fonts are just ONE of my latest obsessions. :) Thanks!

  3. Kelli-
    The font in my titles is called
    Pea Lovey DOvey
    and I got it for free @

    I love Kevin and Amanda!
    ...but I will say that while the font is cute, I have been contemplating switching because even I have a hard time reading my titles and I know what they are supposed to say! The font isn't super legible!

  4. Ha! I know what you mean but I SO love me a swirly, curly font. I've found their site before but hadn't found that exact font. Thank you so much!! Oh, the possibilities now! :) Good luck finding one you like just-as-much but that works better for you. :) I've used a font called Amelie in my blog header (www.whimsikel.blogspot.com), and if you're interested, just let me know and I'll try to track down where I got it. Cause I KNOW it was free somewhere. :)

  5. Thank you for highlighting my upcycled treat container☺
