Mod Podge Frame
My sister's boyfriend had a birthday last week, and she wanted to get him something special without spending a lot of money. I have done this idea several times and thought it would be something cute for her to make for him- it is personal and can make her look all crafty and talented!
Supplies needed:
5x7 wood frame- flat wood, no grooves or fancy corners.
15- 20 pictures- copy and paste them in a word document to resize them to fit the width and height of your frame, then just print them off your computer.
Mod Podge
Sponge brush
Brush a thin coat of Mod Podge onto wood and stick the pictures on top of Mod Podge.
Once your pictures are in place, cover them with another coat of Mod Podge.
Let it dry completely and then you're done!!!
haha of coarse chewy has her phone in her hand lol