
Wooden Spool Dolls

My SIL, Megan, started making these over a year ago and hers are DARLING!!! Last year I decided to make some for my kids and the ones I made were less than fantastic... in fact they looked an awful lot like quazimoto.

Last week at the craft store, Leah saw the little spools and begged me to make some again for her so I thought I would give it one last try. Usually you use spools with round balls that you glue as the head, but unfortunately the store was out of the right size spools, so I ended up getting these instead:
Hobby Lobby- 8 for $2.99 ( I have never shopped around for these before, so you can probably find them cheaper)

These were nice because they were all ready to be painted- no worrying about the heads popping off and becoming a choking hazard (wait, this whole body is a choking hazard- never mind...) But I had a hard time with embellishments- ribbon wraps so much nicer around the spools- not so nice around these.

To make them, it can be really easy.

You take your doll....

Draw a simple face with a Sharpie. (The ones I made last year were painted on- hence, the Quazimoto look-alike.)

Draw your hair with a pencil

...then paint it.

Embellish it with some ribbon and rhinestones and buttons and you're done!
I call them my Pocket Posse!!!

You will have to check out Megans etsy store for the cutest ones ever! I don't think she has any for sale at the moment, but if you beg long enough she might oblige...


  1. oh my goodness, I think my boys would love these...I'm adding them to my craft to do list!

  2. way to go steph!!! If you're still my friend can you make one that looks like me... be sure to add roots!!!! I sooo need to color my hair!

  3. I LOVE them! Love them. I don't even have girls and I want them. These are going on my wish list of things to make. Serously. I think if I makesome "boy" ones my boys will play with them too! YOu are the best

  4. These are so cute!! Thanks for the idea.

  5. So cute! Thanks for the inspiration!
