
Master Bedroom Collage & Monogram

For those of you who liked My Master Bedroom Re-Do, here are the 2 tutorials I put together for the new picture arrangement above my bed.

(Big frame is 24x24 & other frames are 12x12)


Couple Collage
(Inspired by my SIL, Megan)

I have hardly any pictures hanging on the wall of me and my husband together- all our frames are occupied with pictures of the kiddos (they are much cuter than we are!) but this project displays the awesome places we have been, the fun stuff we have done, and the great memories we have made together! Here is what I did:

I bought this frame at a thrift shop for a couple bucks:

 I took it apart, painted it black, then sanded the edges:

Then I gathered pictures- lots and lots of pictures (72 to be exact!)
I uploaded them to Picnik.com and had fun making them all black & white then making a collage.
Picnik has premade templates for collages- I used 3 different templates that hold 8 photos each.
I made 9 total collages and sized them to be 8.25 inches square, which happened to fit my square frame PERFECTLY! No cutting or overlapping needed!.
Then I just printed them out on my computer! Here are the finished collages:

Next I laid (or is it layed?) the collages out and taped them together on the backsides like so:

Lastly, I put them in my frame and showed my husband, of course. He was proud of me!


Framed Vinyl Initial
If you like an easy "no-brainer", this is for you!

(K, I am just now proof-reading that tutorial and I am so embarrassed about those spelling errors! Not embarrassed enough to fix it, but embarrassed enough to admit I do know how to spell "perimeter", and "ack" was supposed to be "back". Sorry ladies!)

To purchase your own initials, visit my etsy shop!


  1. Very cool collage! I may have to try that. Not sure we have 72 pictures yet, but maybe!

  2. love this, a great project, I need to work on my pics...

    happy DIY day


  3. love the collage of pics. I am going to have to check out their site.

  4. I want to redo mine now! Yours is way better than mine!

  5. I really like the collage. Yep, no pics of hubby and me here either.

  6. Thanks!! I seriously love these. I am very tempted to do the initials somewhere in our room with some sort of picture of us. love it!

  7. I'm a total sucker for lettering of any kind, so I love the monogram. I also do photo collages (on KodakGallery.com) and give them as gifts to family for the holidays. I love what you've done!

  8. I love both projects and I am adding them to my list!

  9. Love it!!! God's blessings, Sarah :D

  10. I am totally going to do the vinyl letter one! Thanks for the tutorial!

  11. The letters are my favorite (no offense to you and hubby- we have very few pics of us, too!).

  12. Cool projects, and I love your blog! I need to look around abit!

    BTW, an easy way to spell check, download iespell for free. It works fabulous with blogger posts. As me how I know. :)

    Thanks for linking up to SNS #9!

    FJ Donna
